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SS/PPS 08.02 - Conducting Outdoor Musical Events During the Evening Hours

Conducting Outdoor Musical Events During the Evening Hours

SS/PPS No. 08.02
Issue No. 4
Effective Date: 3/22/2021
Next Review Date: 1/01/2024 (E3Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Director, LBJ Student Center


    1. This document provides policy and procedures for conducting outdoor musical events during the evening hours, and it assures that reasonable expectations are met in order for Texas State University to be a good neighbor to the local community.

    2. These policy guidelines apply to university’s students, faculty, and staff, as well as off-campus individuals or groups wishing to schedule outdoor musical events involving amplified sound during the evening hours on the university campus.


    1. University community members or off-campus individuals planning outdoor musical events at the university during the evening hours must adhere to the following guidelines:

      1. Persons wishing to schedule outdoor musical events or other outdoor events which are held on campus during the evening hours and which include amplified sound must register these events a minimum of 10 days in advance of the scheduled event date. Outdoor Events with Amplified Sound Request forms are available online and at Student Involvement @ LBJSC, 4-11.1, LBJ Student Center.

        1. Approved locations for outdoor musical events include the LBJ Student Center Mall, the LBJ Amphitheatre from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Sewell Park from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
      2. Only the president, or designee, may grant an exception to these time parameters.


    1. An event organizer, or designee, must submit an Outdoor Events with Amplified Sound Request form to Student Involvement @ LBJSC.

    2. Student Involvement @ LBJSC notifies applicable entities regarding events with amplified sound, included but not limited to, the Dean of Students Office, University Police Department (UPD), San Marcos Police Department, and the assistant director for Outdoor Recreation (Sewell Park).

    3. The event organizer, or designee, must be present for the entirety of the event. For all applicable university-sponsored events, the responsible person, or designee, must be a faculty member or a staff member.


    1. The event organizer, or designee, must respond to complaints received through UPD, the San Marcos Police Department, university officials, or city officials.

    2. The event organizer’s, or designee’s, response will be consistent with the nature of the complaints, the number of complaints received, and the urgency of the complaints as determined by the university staff working with law enforcement agencies on the scene. If the event is causing a significant disruption to the university or larger community, the event organizer, or designee, will take whatever action deemed to be appropriate under the circumstances. Action taken can range from discussing the complaints with the performers to reducing the volume of the amplification or terminating the event.

    3. Contracts with entertainers who come to the campus for outdoor musical events must contain language that makes it abundantly clear that the university reserves the right to adjust the volume of the amplification and to take other corrective action if the event becomes a significant disruption to the university community or larger community.

    4. Nothing in these guidelines will prevent any individual from exercising their freedom of speech on the university campus. However, the university does reserve the right to take appropriate action regarding any activities held on campus, including musical events, if they significantly conflict with the educational mission of the university or if they cause a significant disruption to the university community or larger San Marcos community.


    1. Reviewers of this PPS include the following:

      Director, LBJ Student CenterJanuary 1 E3Y
      Associate Director, Student Involvement @ LBJSCJanuary 1 E3Y
      Director, University PoliceJanuary 1 E3Y
      Associate Vice President and Dean of StudentsJanuary 1 E3Y

    This PPS has been reviewed by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Student Success policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

    Director of the LBJ Student Center; senior reviewer of this PPS

    Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

    Vice President for Student Success